Why you should outsource to CAD drawing and drafting services

1. High quality

One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing your CAD services is that you can find extremely highly qualified candidates, and they can create some of the highest quality content around.

If you have a department of 20 engineers who can all do the CAD drafting and design required, you have a good field to choose from. But imagine you expanded your search to 20,000 engineers from all corners of the globe who have experience, some of which may have created a similar project or worked in the field you are designing for.

Resources like this expand your experience base exponentially, because a small company with 20 employees can still capitalize on the work and effort of tens of thousands of designers, all without the major financial investment that hiring full-time engineers would require.

2. Focus

Focusing on the task at hand is a major issue when you are creating a product or running a business. Like we discussed earlier, an in-house engineer at your company will probably be pulled in hundreds of different directions as they are trying to finish a project.

A staff engineer will have to worry about maintenance, production, and much more all while they are trying to finish the design for a new product. These other tasks can delay a project and reduce quality.

By outsourcing your projects and using dedicated CAD drafters, freelance industrial designers, and designers, you can get focused effort on your design projects.

Studies have shown that, in spite of its popularity, multitasking is not truly an efficient practice. There is scientific evidence that shows that multitasking is not a true activity. In the end, it just stretches people too far and distracts them from their main priorities.

If you have engineers and employees focusing on the day-to-day activities as well as the design, you are going to get a poorer quality design and things will fall through the cracks.

3. Accelerated project completion time

One of the greatest benefits of working with people on a per-project basis, such as contractors who receive compensation for each drawing they design, is that they are extremely motivated to complete the project quickly. There are a number of ways in which using product design freelancers will increase your productivity and accelerate the completion time for your projects.

First, as I mentioned earlier, they are motivated to complete the drawings because they work on a per-project basis. They will get paid when the project is complete, and then they’ll be able to work on the next project in their inbox and receive pay.

In this way, they will want to complete each project as quickly as possible so that they can earn as much money as possible. For a freelancer, one of the perks is that there is no limit to how much they can earn if they are willing to work quickly and efficiently and get the projects completed rapidly. That benefits them, but it also benefits you.

Secondly, related to the earlier point about focusing on projects, they can complete these tasks more efficiently because they are dedicating their time, energy, effort, and resources strictly to the task at hand – the design.

Doing that allows them to throw their energy into a project and expedite its completion. It also allows your in-house staff to complete their tasks more quickly because they are able to focus on their own jobs and complete the tasks they are being paid for without having to worry about designs and CAD drafts.

Finally, there is another benefit to using a freelancer that isn’t offered by in-house engineers and employees that allows you to turn projects around faster.

They have a more flexible time-frame. These consultants are not restricted by a 9-5 work schedule, and in many cases, are in different time zones.

This flexibility in working hours and time zone can allow you to get projects completed on off-shifts and around the clock, which helps drive efficiency and allows you to complete projects more quickly than before.

4. Get 24/7 Production

Related to my last point, another great benefit of outsourcing your CAD services is that you can transition to a 24/7 working model, instead of being confined to a 40-hour workweek.

First of all, as many freelance CAD workers are in different time zones or even countries, you can have skilled engineers working on your projects long after you have shut down your office for the day.

If you have a group of consultants working from Japan or, in my personal ideal situation, a villa in Italy, you can generate around-the-clock productivity without the added overhead of office space and facilities.

Even without the other added benefits of outsourcing these duties, this alone would make the use of consultants a smart financial decision. You will enable your production team to have designs and information the minute they step into the office.

This allows them to maximize their own efforts and take care of their own relevant duties and priorities when they are on the clock, instead of worrying about someone else sending them plans and data or making it themselves.

Even if the consulting designers are not working from a foreign country, they will still afford you the opportunity to upgrade to constant working time.

Many freelance designers relish the opportunity to either put in extra hours or to set their own schedule. For instance, some of the more seasoned veterans may prefer to work a 16-hour day on Monday to crank through their projects and achieve their deliverables as quickly as possible so they can get on to the next project. Meanwhile, a young, 23-year-old, fresh-faced engineer may prefer to work from 7 PM until 3 AM and sleep until noon.

These freelancers set their own schedule, and that flexibility works to your advantage. You get all of these perks without having to open your office 24 hours a day, and you have the flexibility of not having to hire full-time individuals for these specific tasks.